At Baptism, your child is welcomed with great joy into the larger Christian community, as well as into the parish family of Saint Barnabas. In this sacrament, the parish community and the entire Christian community promise to help you in nurturing the faith of your child. Baptisms are scheduled on the first and third Sunday of the month at 12:00 PM. To schedule a Baptism or if you have any questions please call Geri Doherty at 773.779.1166 X221.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Saturday at 3:00 pm in church. You may also call the rectory at 773.779.1166 to make an appointment with any of our priests for the sacrament.
There are few moments in life that are remembered so tenderly as a child’s First Communion. At St. Barnabas, a child’s First Communion usually occurs in second grade. For details on the preparation necessary for First Communion, please contact the Religious Education Office at 773.445.3450.
Confirmation is the sacrament of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It confirms our faith and strengthens us as Catholics to be disciples of Jesus. Reception of this sacrament usually takes place in eighth grade and requires regular attendance at St. Barnabas Catholic School or our Religious Education Program. The path to Confirmation at St. Barnabas begins in 7th grade, with an emphasis on service, and continues in 8th grade, with preparation for the sacrament.
Join us as we strive to make your marriage preparation a wonderful experience to remember! If you wish to be married at St. Barnabas Catholic Church or to prepare here for a wedding elsewhere, you must first call the rectory at 773.779.1166. You will then be assigned to a Marriage Prep couple who will work with you on preparing for the Sacrament and for your life together as a married couple. The Marriage Prep couple will assist you with dates, times, details and rehearsals. They will also give you information regarding Pre-Cana classes. The Marriage Prep couples involved are well qualified and will make the entire planning process a wonderful experience for you.
RCIA/Adult Initiation
The RCIA or Catechumenate is the process for welcoming and initiating new members into the Catholic faith community. It is a spiritual journey for adults and has its roots in the very beginning of the Church where it was an integral part of the early Christian tradition. Persons who were seeking admission into the Church learned what it meant to follow Jesus through the example and the teachings of the Christian community. The process is open to all persons, regardless of religious background or philosophical persuasion, who genuinely seek, by God’s grace, to live their lives in the distinctive Catholic Christian faith. RCIA welcomes people who have never been baptized as well as people who were baptized in another Christian tradition and now wish to become Roman Catholic. Sometimes people who were baptized in the Catholic Church in infancy but did not grow up in the practice of the faith also participate in RCIA. Adults who were baptized into the Catholic Church, have celebrated First Eucharist and First Reconciliation, but were never confirmed, may also participate. For more information about the liturgical and formational process of Christian Initiation, contact the Rectory, 773.779.1166; for children, contact Patrick McGowan at 773.445.3450.