Religious Education Family Formation Info & Schedule
Hello Family Formation! Please read the following in order to register for Family Formation,
St. Barnabas’ 2024-2025 Religious Education program registration is open. You may register here.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Family Formation sessions for grades K-6 will occur monthly. All K-6 sessions will begin in the Church Hall at 8:00 AM. Parents will attend the monthly sessions along with their children. We will begin each monthly session in the Church Hall and, following the opening prayer, children will go with their catechists across the street to classrooms to learn about the coming month’s lessons. One catechist will remain in the Church Hall to instruct the adults. This way, the month’s lesson plans will be presented to children and parents alike. Children will come back across the street at 9:40 AM, and following the session, families will work from home until the next month’s session.
To ensure sure continuity in religious development, it is necessary that all children and parents attend monthly sessions regularly.
Materials for monthly work will be handed out at the monthly sessions. Children are to be respectful and courteous toward the catechist and other children during sessions. Children are expected to participate, pay attention in sessions, and complete any assignments on time.
Tuition and Fees:
$210 for 1 child
$340 for 2 children
$415 for 3 children
$435 for 4 children
$45/Eucharist Fee
$55/Confirmation Fee
Religious Education Tuition and Sacramental Fees can be paid by check and mailed to or dropped off at the Rectory at 10134 S. Longwood or through Give Central at the link below. Please mark it for either Religious Education or Sacramental Fees. Please feel free to contact Mr. McGowan at [email protected] or at 773-840-7605 if you have any challenges this year with payment. Pay Tuition and Sacramental Fees here via Give Central.
K-6 Family Formation Sessions
Unless otherwise indicated, all Family Formation sessions will begin and end in the St. Barnabas Church Hall and go from 8:00 AM to 9:45 AM. Parents will remain in the Church Hall for the parent session, while children will be dismissed and go across the street with their catechist to St. Barnabas School for their sessions. Dates are as follows:
Sunday, September 15, Catechetical Sunday
Sunday, October 6
Sunday, October 27
Sunday, November 24
Sunday, January 5, 2025
- 8:00 AM to 9:40 AM: Session entirely in St. Barnabas School (students only on January 5th, no parents: January 5th session is an archdiocese-mandated session focused on child personal safety)
Sunday, February 2
Sunday, March 2
Sunday, April 13
Sunday, April 27
Sunday, May 18
Additional Formation Sessions for First Communicants
All sessions will be in the school from 8:00 AM to 9:45 AM. These sessions will be “drop off” and ensure our children will be ready for Reconciliation and First Communion.
Sunday, September 22
Sunday, October 20
Sunday, November 3
Sunday, January 12
Sunday, February 23
Sunday, March 9
CONFIRMATION: The rite of Confirmation begins with the laying on of hands, which is an ancient gesture of prayer symbolizing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As we accept the Holy Spirit, we are confirmed in our faith and given strength to be disciples of Jesus. As seventh and eighth graders prepare for new challenges, Confirmation enables them to meet each moment, aware that God is present to them and has sealed the gifts needed to make decisions as followers of Jesus.
Enrollment in St. Barnabas Catholic School or regular attendance in our Religious Education Program is required for Confirmation. The Confirmation Program begins in seventh grade with an emphasis on service and continues in eighth grade with final preparation for the sacrament. There is a $55.00 Confirmation fee per child.
Tuesday, October 1, Confirmandi and Sponsor Night -7:00 to 8:30 PM in Church.
8th Grade Confirmation Candidates and sponsors (or a parent or guardian, if sponsor unavailable) will come for a night of reflection. Confirmandi receive banner materials.
Sunday, October 6, Confirmation Promises, Enrollment of Candidates -10:00 AM Mass, in Church
First Communion and 8th Grade Confirmation Candidates and Parents will come to a special Mass to make their Confirmation promises and be enrolled as Confirmation Candidates.
Tuesday, October 8 - 8th Grade Confirmation Fee ($55) is Due.
December / January Date and Time TBD -Parish Confirmation Retreat. Mandatory.
Friday, January 24, 2025, Bishop’s Letter and Confirmation Banner Due. 8th grade Confirmandi will hand in two (2) assignments: (A) a one (1) page, double-spaced letter to the Bishop, requesting to be Confirmed. Assignment details will be given by the 8th grade religion teacher; (B) their completed Confirmation Banner.
Monday, January 27 through Friday, February 16, 2025: Confirmation Interviews with Pastor. Confirmandi interviews with the pastor for 20 minutes. St. Barnabas School students will interview during the school day. Family Formation Confirmandi will interview on February 2. More details to follow after Christmas.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Confirmation Rehearsal - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, in Church
Confirmation Rehearsal for all Confirmandi. Those with leadership roles (opening welcome, lector, gift bearer) will need to remain at Church until 8:30 PM to practice. All other Confirmandi will be dismissed between 8:00 and 8:15.
Friday, February 21, 2025, Sacrament of Confirmation- 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM in Church
Tuesday, May 6th, 2025, 7th Grade Confirmation Candidate and Parent Night - 7:00 to 8:15 PM in Church.
7th Graders will receive Service Journals, preview the 8th Grade Confirmation Process, and reflect on the meaning of the sacrament with a parent or parents.
7th and 8th Graders will meet together for faith sharing and lessons at the following dates from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Locations TBD and will be sent out in September, but most dates will be in the Barnabas Church Hall.
Sunday, September 15
Sunday, September 29
Sunday, October 13
Sunday, October 27
Sunday, November 10
Sunday, November 24
Sunday, December 8
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Sunday, February 2, 2025 Confirmation Interviews
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Sunday, March 30, 2025
Sunday, April 13, 2025