Discerning Deacons
Synthesis Report of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
After a month-long presence in Rome during the Synod on Communion, Participation, and Mission, the synod delegates have returned to their homes with gratitude-filled hearts. For weeks, they engaged in conversations in the Spirit about a myriad of hopes, concerns, and questions which Catholics and people of faith around the world have asked to be addressed. In the late afternoon of Saturday 28 October 2023, the members of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops adopted the following Synthesis Report.
After a month-long presence in Rome during the Synod on Communion, Participation, and Mission, the synod delegates have returned to their homes with gratitude-filled hearts. For weeks, they engaged in conversations in the Spirit about a myriad of hopes, concerns, and questions which Catholics and people of faith around the world have asked to be addressed. In the late afternoon of Saturday 28 October 2023, the members of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops adopted the following Synthesis Report.
Debriefing the October Synod with Discerning Deacons
Thursday, November 16, 7 pm CT OR Friday, November 17, 2 pm CT (The Zoom Links are in the newsletter below.)
Join members of the Discerning Deacons team for a report-back on their time spent in Rome bearing prayerful witness to the Synod on Communion, Participation and Mission in October 2023. We will reflect on our experiences on the ground in Rome, unpack as a community the significance of the outcomes of the October gathering, and gesture toward paths forward for engaging as a Discerning Deacons community with the synod between now and part two of the synod assembly in October 2024.
Join members of the Discerning Deacons team for a report-back on their time spent in Rome bearing prayerful witness to the Synod on Communion, Participation and Mission in October 2023. We will reflect on our experiences on the ground in Rome, unpack as a community the significance of the outcomes of the October gathering, and gesture toward paths forward for engaging as a Discerning Deacons community with the synod between now and part two of the synod assembly in October 2024.
This grass roots group offers a forum for listening to voices in the Church and advancing discussion centered on the ordination of women to the Diaconate. Stay tuned for more ways to get involved. Pictures from the event can be viewed in our photo gallery.
Over 700 people gathered at St. Barnabas to hear about hope, change, and renewal in the Catholic Church. We heard from the Discerning Deacons about the history and current movement around ordaining women as deacons. If you missed it you can watch the event here!