Faith Formation » OCIA (RCIA): Beginning in September Mondays/6-730p

OCIA (RCIA): Beginning in September Mondays/6-730p

OCIA (RCIA) - Rite of Christian Initiation

The RCIA or Catechumenate is the process for welcoming and initiating new members into the Catholic faith community. It is a spiritual journey for adults and has its roots in the very beginning of the Church where it was an integral part of the early Christian tradition. Persons who were seeking admission into the Church learned what it meant to follow Jesus through the example and the teachings of the Christian community.

The process is open to all persons, regardless of religious background or philosophical persuasion, who genuinely seek, by God’s grace, to live their lives in the distinctive Catholic Christian faith.

For more information about the liturgical and formational process of Christian Initiation, or if you wish to help with this ministry, contact Andy Neu [email protected].

If you have children that you would like to have entered into the initiation process please contact Patrick McGowan, [email protected]