Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
The Altar Server Program is a wonderful way to involve young people in the liturgy. All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boys and girls are invited to consider joining the Altar Server Program. The Altar Servers assist the presider at the regularly scheduled Saturday and Sunday Liturgies as well as at funerals, weddings and special Masses throughout the year.
Please contact the coordinator of the program, Deacon Andy Neu at 773.779.1511 or Karen Lux at 773.454.3523 to become an altar server or for more information about the program.
Eucharistic Ministers
"The Eucharist constitutes the very life of the Church, for the Lord said, I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who believes in me shall ever thirst." The role of Eucharistic Ministers is to minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembled faithful. In reality, the role of each Eucharistic Minister is to draw faith from the people of God, to become more and more like the Body and Blood of Christ. Thus, Eucharistic Ministers are called not only to minister the Body and Blood of Christ, but also to take on Christ’s likeness. The ministers accomplish this by strengthening their faith from within and sharing it with the faithful at Communion.
The invitation to serve as Eucharistic Minister is open to all adult and teenage members of the parish 16 years of age and older. Eucharistic ministers distribute the Eucharist at regularly scheduled weekday and weekend Masses. They also may assist in ministering to homebound parishioners and those in hospitals and nursing centers.
Lectors are members of the parish who proclaim the Word in the first two Scripture readings at weekday and weekend Liturgies. They also assist in creating a hospitable and prayerful environment by praying the Prayers of the Faithful. Proclaiming the Sacred Scripture is different from other kinds of public speaking. Thus, training and preparation are necessary for those persons wishing to be Lectors. As Vatican II proclaimed, “[Lectors] exercise a genuine liturgical function and must discharge their office with the sincere piety and decorum demanded by so exalted a ministry. Christ is present in His word since it is He Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the church." Any adult or teen with effective communication skills who wants to absorb and express the spirit of the Liturgy is welcome to be a part of this ministry. Please contact Maria Hibbs at 773.238.6441.
Liturgy Committee
Liturgy is the center and the focus of our parish life. The term "liturgy" refers to the worship life of our parish community of faith. Our celebrations of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, our prayer services, and other forms of parish prayer are all part of our community worship and liturgy. The Liturgy Committee assists the pastor in developing our parish's liturgy, which includes prayer and music so that the worship experiences of our parishioners are faith-sustaining and meaningful.
The Committee meets monthly to evaluate, plan, and implement the worship life of our parish community. Membership on the committee is open to all members of the parish.
Sacristans/Altar Care
Sacristans assist the priests and other ministers in the immediate preparation for Mass. This ministry is a very special and important part of service for the Liturgy. Sacristans arrive about 15 minutes before Mass to prepare the altar and sanctuary. Before Mass, the sacristan sets out the bread and wine to be consecrated during Mass and sets out the proper books and vessels. After Mass, the sacristan returns the sacred vessels and articles for worship to their proper places. If you are interested in becoming a sacristan, please contact Kitty Ryan at 773.779.1166 X226.
Altar Linen Ministry volunteers help maintain the dignity of our worship by laundering the altar linens, including the purificators and altar cloths. This is a perfect ministry of service for those who cannot attend regular meetings but wish to offer their service for the benefit of the liturgy. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Barb Lucente at 773.239.1652.
Ushers have a special role to play at every parish liturgy. The primary ministry of ushers is to be of service to everyone in the assembly so that all may celebrate the Sacred Liturgy to become one with Christ. Ushers may be the first people that those entering the church encounter. Therefore, a true spirit of welcome should be the hallmark of an usher’s service! Ushers also help to maintain a prayerful atmosphere and are involved in other elements of a good Liturgy, including:
- Escorting people to their seats and helping them find seats when the church is crowded
- Inviting people to bring up the gifts of bread and wine
- Taking up collection(s)
- Helping with the communion procession
- Handing out bulletins
No special talents are needed for this ministry -- just a willingness to participate in the parish liturgy and welcome others. For further information, contact Marty McLaughlin at 773.233.5452.