Youth Ministry for Parents
Youth Ministry for Parents
Parents, you are an important part of St. Barnabas Youth Ministry!
The most powerful force in the life of a teen is his or her family. Thus, parents and family are essential resources to aid St. Barnabas Youth Ministry in ministering and serving your teens.
Keep Informed!
More teens than not will dismiss a parish youth ministry as “not for me”. Make a point to be personally informed about what events are currently happening and coming up for our youth and encourage your teen to participate.
How To Stay Informed:
- Pertinent information regarding the Youth Ministry can be found on this website and in the Sunday Bulletin.
- We will also send regular mailings addressed to the youth. Watch for the mailer and ask your teen about it.
- Flyers will be distributed to 6-8th grade in the Religious Ed classes and school.
- Recorded phone messages are sent from St. Barnabas Youth Ministry using “Calling Post Message”. This reminds families of important deadlines and gatherings to encourage youth involvement.
- Be personally present and encourage your teen to be present. Be involved and learn about smaller impromptu opportunities made available to the youth.
Understand Our Purpose!
If you need more details or are uncertain of the purpose or format of an upcoming event, make a point to call the youth ministry office. We always have a purpose and a plan for what we do and will be happy to answer your questions, so you can make informed decisions.
Build Relationships!
Stop by the parish office to introduce yourself to our Youth Minister. Make a point to come into the building to pick up your young person. If there is something stressful going on at home or in school, let the youth minister and volunteer team know, so we can support you and, most importantly, your teen during difficult times. Know the people involved in the youth ministry.
Get Involved!
If St. Barnabas wants faith filled teens excited about their faith, then we need faith filled parents excited about their faith. Adults willing to share their faith, are willing to love our youth in the example of Christ.
We encourage your involvement in traditional ways such as a carpool driver, chaperone, helping with refreshments, etc. These roles are important and will provide you with a greater understanding of your teen’s experience.
We also ask you to pray and discern a greater role in the Youth Ministry… that of Faith Mentor. Faith Mentors are more “hands on,” as they serve as mentors to our youth and and help plan and implement the programs.